Audoleon: The Wealthiest King of Paeonia

Audoleon was king of the kingdom of Paeonia during the late IV-early III century B.C.E. He remains the most renowned king of Paeonia despite the lack of sources to solidly back up this claim. Audoleon’s early reign Audoleon succeeded his father Patraus to the throne of the Paeonian kingdom in about 310 B.C.E. Diodorus reports that this year Audoleon was […]

Dassaretis: A Short Story of an Ancient Scorched Land

Dassaretia or Dassaretis (or Dassaretae) was an ancient region located in the area that currently corresponds to the southwest Greek border or southeast Albania. The region was inhabited by the Illyrian tribe of the Dexari (i.e. the Dassareti), just south of the tribe of the Enchelees; that is, immediately south of the lakes Lychnidos (Ohrid) and Lyncestis (Great & Small […]

Kingdom of Paeonia: The Ancient State of North Macedonia

The kingdom of Paeonia was created sometime during the late V – early IV century B.C.E. It was inhabited by the Paeonians, an Indo-European/Illyrian population made up of several smaller tribes. Before creating their kingdom, as attested by sources, the Paeonian tribes occupied way larger territories than that held by the kingdom. However, due to pressures from the Persians, Thracians, […]